
ROOK Connect Training & Workshops

Available Courses: All Courses Consist Of Multiple Workshops Designed To Match Your Business Needs


Classroom Training

Virtual Conference Training

Course Objectives: Train Staff On Operational Software Running Your Business

The objective of this course is to ensure that staff know how to utilize the software that’s running the day-to-day operations of your business. Going through the required workshops, your staff will learn hands-on the skills they need to perform to ensure your business can run as intended. The success of your business effectively adding operational software and applying software efficiencies relies on how well your front-line staff can enter the data into the software. This training is essential for all staff who will be using the software within your business.

Course Training: Digital Efficiency Workshops

To maximize your return on training, we’ve divided software training into individual workshops and training sessions. In these workshops, the instructor will walk through each and every aspect of what your staff will be doing with the software on a day-to-day basis, ensuring your staff know how your business needs to run to get the most out of your existing software platform.

Assessments/Evaluations: Completed Per Workshop

A “Workshop Acknowledgement Of Learning Document” will be completed by each staff member for each workshop completed. This document will be signed off as complete by the training instructor, who will issue course certificates for staff who have completed all the required training workshops.

Course Outcomes: Software Usability Expertise

The goal of this course is to instill confidence in staff regarding the use and application of the software into the day-to-day operations of your business practices. Through this course, all staff will receive hands-on training going through in detail how they can best use the software; entering information in to it and getting information out of it. These classroom training workshops are strategically designed to empower staff to take full advantage of the software, demonstrating and training them on how they can best apply the overall operational efficiency the software can deliver.

Course Instructor: Kenneth Bond, Enterprise Solutions Architect, Training Lead

As an Enterprise Solutions Architect, I have been involved with all levels of integrating digital processes, from the management of development teams all the way through to the training and implementation of software/ERP solutions into a variety of industries. With an education in business, 15+ years of experience creating and integrating digital efficiencies, and working with custom software solutions and ERP’s, I’ve not only got the hands-on knowledge of the challenges and GAPS businesses face when going digital; I have a working knowledge of how the software needs to function at every level of the business.

With a passion for working with people and making software/ERP learning fun and exciting, my approach to training is completely hands-on. I’m very passionate about the power of integrating digital processes, and the resulting efficiencies and team-building opportunities that can come from a properly trained team capitalizing on a software/ERP platform integration. Working with businesses to increase their overall efficiency and drive innovation through the application and training of visualization tools and data analytics, I am re-shaping and re-engineering the way businesses utilize digital processes, creating a positive learning environment that enhances each team’s ability to operate and deliver on the day to day operations of the company.

Top 3 of the Top 100:

Exeleon Magazine:

Business Elite Canada:

CIO Review:


Every day of training will have a mandatory sign-in sheet for proof of training. Images of training on each date will also be taken to ensure transparency. A survey rating the instructor and asking for feedback will be sent to all participants and proof of each aspect of the accountability will be sent when submitting the grant for reimbursement.

Total Hourly Rate Per Staff: $125 + GST

Total Charity Hourly Rate Per Staff: $85 + GST

Workshop - Train The Trainer

Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Tile Structure Review
  • Tile Category Configurations
  • Tile Field Settings & Configurations
  • Styling & Software Formatting
  • CRM, Contact Allocation
  • CRM, Contact Management & Data Storage
  • Software Functionality Configuration
  • Software Pack Configuration
  • Software Identity Settings
  • Styling & Mapping Configuration
  • Default Settings
  • How To Guide
  • Quick Link Add Ons
  • Security Settings/Configurations
  • Usage Monitoring & Tracking
  • Troubleshooting, Support Processes & Monitoring

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

In this workshop, we’ll review all aspects of how the software fundamentally functions, the style guides that are applied, the file structuring systems and how to set up and configure all aspects of the software functionality. This workshop must precede any other workshop and is only intended for individuals who will be training and supporting others who will be utilizing the software. This workshop is a full dive into how to set up, maintain, adjust settings, configure, troubleshoot and train others to use the software. This workshop will ensure you’re fully prepared to work with, set up, configure and provide support in all areas of the software.

Training Time: 21 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $2,625+ GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Train The Trainer Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Software Introduction

Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Software Login Process Management
  • Individual Software Account Management 
  • Software Navigation Essentials
  • Software Menus & Searching
  • Software Dashboards & Summaries
  • Software Tracking Standards
  • Software Reporting Applications
  • Security Basics & Applications
  • Security Protocols & Overviews
  • Software Styling & Formatting
  • Internal & External Communication Essentials
  • Reminders, Alerts & Notifications
  • Quick Action Icons & Access to Manuals
  • Day Overviews & Day Sheets
  • Individual Planners, Journaling & Checklists
  • Software Overview & Support Requests

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

The objective of this workshop is to get teams comfortable with the software’s overall navigation, including walking through how to find essential information, functions, features and reviewing the software platform navigation optimizations for desktop, tablet and mobile users. Starting with how to manage your own profile, this workshop is designed to instill confidence in each user looking to use the software platform by walking them through and having them learn the overall structure of the platform. With hands-on knowledge of how and why the software is formatted for success while getting comfortable with the overall user interface of the software, your team will understand the essentials needed to fully take advantage of the digital tools at their disposal. In this workshop, staff will learn the essential basics of the software, including Login Procedures, Profile & Account Management, Menus, Dashboards, Summaries, Tracking Mechanisms, Quick Action Icons & Tips, Searching, etc. This workshop is designed to be a confidence booster, ensuring users have a full understanding of the flow of the software and how to best navigate through it for daily use.

Training Time: 6.5 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $812.50 + GST

Total Charity Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $552.50 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Software Introduction Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Software Essentials Management

Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Contacts, Customer & LSD Management
  • Account Configuration & Assignments
  • Origin & Destination Assignments 
  • GeoFence Application
  • Staff Add/Edit/Suspend/Delete
  • Staff Security Levels & Groups 
  • Carrier Security Levels & Groups
  • Setting Security Privileges 
  • Username & Password Management
  • Resetting Usernames & Passwords
  • Account Troubleshooting 
  • Applying & Managing Services in the Software
  • Applying & Managing Extra Billing Options in the Software 
  • Inventory Management 
  • History Tracking & Recording
  • Archived Data

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

This workshop reviews how customers can self manage, maintain and update the fundamentals of the software to ensure that all information is properly logged and reporting as needed. One of the goals of the software platform is to empower customers with the ability to adapt on the fly and make essential adjustments as needed. With our software being such a large product, it’s important for customers to know where to go when adaptations and changes are required, and perhaps most importantly how to test and review the outcomes as a result of those changes. As the software is connected to desktops, tablets, mobile devices and accessible through mobile Apps, changing essential information can affect everything from payment terms to compensation results instantly. In this course we’ll review hands-on how to properly make changes in the software, how to track the result of those changes and how to review, compare, analyze and report on those changes as needed. This course is essential for individuals who may be required to make adjustments to the day to day operations of the software. 

Training Time: 6.5 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $812.50 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Software Essentials Management Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Digital Marketing

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Digital Marketing Strategies
  • Brand Messaging
  • Website Updating
  • Website Management
  • Creating Digital Marketing Slides
  • Visual Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • Keywords – What are they?
  • Keywords – How do they work?
  • Targeting Audiences
  • Hashtagging 
  • Blog Posting
  • Search Engine Optimization 
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • Social Media Content Marketing
  • Social Media Scheduling
  • Auto Responders
  • Auto Posting
  • Mass Communication
  • Monthly Marketing Schedules
  • Marketing Tracking
  • Marketing Reporting

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

Marketing is an essential element to any successful business. Whether it’s sharing educational materials, sharing your business story, defining your value proposition or simply selling a service or product, reaching your target audience successfully requires an in-depth strategy and a knowledge of how to use the tools at your disposal. The goal of this workshop is to enhance your knowledge of all the tools needed to build successful digital marketing strategies. This includes walking through all the tools, how they work and a step-by-step dive into each piece of the puzzle your business needs to generate traction via digital marketing.

Training Time: 7 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $875 + GST

Total Charity Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $595 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Digital Marketing Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - WordPress Website Management

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • WordPress Overview
  • Logging In & Security Application
  • Dashboards & Overviews
  • Website Navigation How To Guide
  • Review Writing Settings & Applications
  • Toolbar Functionality, Tools & Features
  • Content Formation Add/Edit/Delete Tools
  • Image Formatting Add/Edit/Delete Tools
  • Video Formatting Add/Edit/Delete Tools
  • Media Library Formatting Add/Edit/Delete Tools
  • Hyperlink Formatting Add/Edit/Delete Tools
  • Social Media Integration Add/Edit/Delete Tools
  • Plugin Formatting Add/Edit/Delete Tools
  • Creating New Posts Online & Offline
  • Blogging Applications & Best Practices
  • Editing & Managing Posts
  • Step By Step Editing & Website Management
  • Website Posting, Publishing & Overall Management
  • Best Practice Standards & Tool Tips
  • WordPress Tutorials & Support Inquiries

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

The objective of this workshop is to empower businesses with the ability to self manage their own WordPress website. In this workshop we’ll review hands-on how to capitalize on best practices for adding, editing and deleting content, images, videos, web pages, social media applications, plugins, etc. This is an essential course for all individuals who may at any point be editing or empowering others to edit your WordPress website. Learning how to apply and integrate third party applications into the website, this workshop will explore a wide variety of commonly used tools, widget downloading and uploading, application security measures and best practices for securely updating your website. This is a hands on learning opportunity.

Training Time: 7 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $875 + GST

Total Charity Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $595 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The WordPress Website Management Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Membership Systems & Portals

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Membership Profiles & Types 
  • Membership Account Management
  • Membership Security 
  • Onboarding New Members
  • Membership Renewals & Automation Tools
  • Membership Billing & Invoicing
  • Account Tracking & Remote Login
  • Membership Portal Configuration & Management
  • Form Building, Intake Management & Tracking
  • Membership Portal Tools & Features
  • Membership Portal Management
  • CRM Email Blasts & Surveys
  • CRM SMS Text Messaging
  • Remotely Accessing Essentials
  • Membership Support
  • Financial Reporting

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

This workshop reviews how customers can self manage, maintain and update the fundamentals of the software to ensure that all information is properly logged and reporting as needed. One of the goals of the software platform is to empower customers with the ability to adapt on the fly and make essential adjustments as needed. With our software being such a large product, it’s important for customers to know where to go when adaptations and changes are required, and perhaps most importantly how to test and review the outcomes as a result of those changes. The objective of this Workshop is to review the set up, maintenance and configuration of the membership management system. This includes how to manage your existing membership, how to onboard new members, how to set specifications per type of membership and how to properly manage and update the remotely accessible membership portals. In this workshop will review the configuration options you’ll want to use to communicate, track and report on all membership essentials. This workshop is essential for ensuring and maintaining your customer’s experience, billing and ongoing tracking.

Training Time: 7 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $875 + GST

Total Charity Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $595 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Membership Systems & Portals Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Marketing Communication & Membership Capitalization

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Brand Messaging
  • Brand Alignment 
  • Lead Management
  • Lead Tracking
  • Website Updating 
  • Content Management & Updating
  • Vendor Programs
  • CRM – Email Communication
  • CRM – SMS Text Communication
  • Value Driven Communication
  • Advertising Programs
  • Remotely Accessing Essentials
  • Outlining & Defining Visibility
  • Revenue Tracking
  • Communication Standards
  • Membership Support
  • Financial Reporting

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

The objective of this Workshop is to review and train our customers on how to properly manage and generate revenue utilizing membership programs and customer portals. This workshop reviews the integration of your brand objectives, how you’re communicating your messaging through the platform and how you can use your membership portal to drive business and generate further revenue for your business. Discovering your audience, tracking their essential wants and needs, and devising strategies to optimally use your membership, this workshop will review the available tools, teach you how to update, maintain and optimally use the tools available, and work with you so you can devise future plans and strategies. This is an essential workshop for businesses who drive revenue by delivering content to members and are constantly growing and evolving their memberships.

Training Time: 7 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $875 + GST

Total Charity Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $595 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Marketing Communication & Membership Capitalization Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Online Stores, Sales & Inventory

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Website Updates
  • Shopping Cart Portals
  • Website Maintenance
  • Online Store Maintenance
  • Sales, Discounts & Price Management
  • Multi-Price Point Systems
  • Shopping Cart Procedures
  • Financial Reporting
  • Financial Tracking
  • Managing Service Sales
  • Managing Inventory Sales
  • Estimating & Quoting 
  • Purchase Orders & Inventory
  • Purchase Orders & Direct Sales
  • WIP (Work In Progress) Sales Tracking
  • Shipping & Delivery
  • Tax Implications & Exemptions 
  • CRM – Mass Emails
  • CRM – SMS Text Messaging 
  • Customer Support
  • Third Party API’s & Integrations

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

Creating an online presence is only the beginning – managing, updating and maintaining your online store is where the true challenges lie. The objective of this workshop is to review all details, available settings, configurations and information tracking essentials needed so you can internally and externally manage your online sales strategies. With various levels of complications, from pricing all the way through to direct online customer support, this workshop will train and prepare you for how to quickly adapt to customers wants and needs so you can remotely manage your business and communicate clearly to your customers who may be purchasing from anywhere in the world. Expand your business and your knowledge with a detailed outline and training workshop that will prepare you for how to best manage your customers.

Training Time: 7 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $875 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Online Stores, Sales & Inventory Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Logistics

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Drop Off & Pick Up Scheduling
  • Dispatch Booking & Tracking
  • Pick Up & Drop Off Day Sheet Access
  • Preference Management By Staff
  • Manifest Creation, Actioning & Execution
  • Work Order Creation, Actioning & Execution
  • Scheduling & Calendar Navigation
  • Customer Support & Signatures
  • Customer Portals & Rating Applications
  • Importing & Exporting New & Future Work Orders
  • Real-Time Customer Engagement
  • Texting, Emailing & Phone Communication
  • Template Building, Drop Down Usage
  • Software Alerts & Quick Action Icons Functionality
  • Desktop, Tablet & Mobile Location Tracking

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

Executing the day-to-day operations of your business from all levels of the business, your company’s Software/ERP programs empower each user to communicate in real-time with access to all details needed to execute what’s needed. The objective of this workshop is to understand the start to finish workflow of the software and how it informs each part of the business. With all data stored and entered into one remotely accessible Software/ERP, your entire business and team will be able to communicate like never before.

Training Time: 7 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $875 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Logistics Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Customer Relationship Manager

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Customer/Client/Vendor/Lead Management
  • Complete Contact Management
  • Converting, Qualifying & Tracking Contacts
  • Loyalty Programs & Reporting
  • CRM Features & Tools Review
  • Complete History Tracking
  • Preference Management
  • Marketing Execution, Tracking & Automation
  • Sales Execution, Tracking & Automation
  • Service Execution, Tracking & Automation
  • Appointment Calendar, Scheduling & Reminders
  • Customer Support Execution, Tracking & Automation
  • Communication Tactics & Reporting
  • Template Communication Systems
  • Software Alerts & Reminders
  • Actionable Business Intelligence 
  • Website Integration, Tracking & Reporting
  • Mass Email & Text Messaging
  • Order Processing & Payment Histories
  • Feedback Programs & Support Applications

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

The objective of this workshop is to train, work through and learn how to utilize the large variety of features and tools in the software CRM. Using and learning how to apply the variety of CRM capabilities of the software to manage customer information, customer workflows and increase your team’s ability to communicate. In this workshop, we’ll review all the features available for contact management, how they work and how to utilize them most effectively for your businesses specific needs. With all customer data stored in one convenient location, your business will enhance overall visibility and increase knowledge on every customer, their behaviors, wants, needs and how you decide to interact with them. This workshop will walk through how your team can harness the immense power of the software to best suit your needs.

Training Time: 7 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $875 + GST

Total Charity Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $695 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Customer Relationship Manager Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Human Resources

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Staff Forms
  • Contractor Forms
  • Policy & Procedure Manuals
  • Operations Manuals
  • How To Guides
  • Staff Information Tracking
  • Salary & Position Remuneration
  • Training Programs
  • Quizzing
  • HR Reminders
  • Staff Performance Tracking
  • Goal Tracking
  • Objectives Tracking

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

HR is a requirement for every business. In this detailed workshop, we will explore the ins and outs of how the software/ERP manages your HR processes. Enhancing your ability to manage HR processes digitally not only ensures accuracy for your business and team; it makes the overall management of the team simpler. With the software providing instant access to forms, digital processes, charts and manuals, in this workshop we’ll walk through how to complete all aspects of HR, from the distribution of materials to mandated and ongoing requirements.

Training Time: 6.5 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $812.50+ GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Human Resources Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Orientations

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • New Staff Orientations
  • New Position Orientations
  • Contractor Orientations
  • Day Sheets
  • Safety Forms
  • Safety Manuals
  • Digital Signatures
  • Accountability Tracking

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

The objective of this workshop is to learn how to manage staff, contractors, daily planning, daily forms that need to be completed and how the software/ERP manages accountability. Knowing and having access to the right information is essential in order to assure accountability measures and expectations are maintained. In this workshop, we’ll review orientation features and explore the day-to-day management of operations within the software/ERP. Learning how your software/ERP can manage team expectations and task management ensures that your team has the ability to use the software to communicate. Upon completion of this workshop, your team will know how to apply and use the right messaging to ensure all details are being signed off on, ensuring the right information is in the right hands at all times.

Training Time: 4 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $500 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Orientations Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Donor Management

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Donor Profile Management 
  • Donor Prospecting
  • Donor Lead Procurement
  • Donor Lead Management
  • Donor Lead Nurturing
  • Donor Lead Monitoring 
  • Donor Marketing Funneling 
  • Donor Promotional Funneling
  • Donor Projects & Programs
  • Donor Conversion Tracking
  • Marketing Material Distribution
  • Follow Ups, Reminders & History Tracking
  • CRM & Direct Communication Tools

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

Generating, building and converting Donor Leads into long-term donors is an art form. Donor Management requires a careful touch, strong relationship building and ongoing attention to detail. Capitalizing on proven processes and automated traffic management, this workshop focuses on how your team can utilize and configure the software to match your exact Donor Management requirements. In this workshop, we’ll review how your business can utilize and apply the proven structure built into the software for managing and nurturing leads, tracking prospects, and applying tracking and execution planning for every customer. Tracking and monitoring the transition of leads and conversion rates allows your team to monitor success and failures, and stimulates growth and development of ongoing business strategies. With proven templated systems ready for use, this workshop ensures your business will not only know the next steps with every lead, sale and execution plan at all times; it also teaches how you can best utilize these features. Get your team working together by receiving training on our software/ERP that  will help them manage all aspects of their daily work schedule.

Training Time: 6.5 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $812.50 + GST

Total Charity Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $552.50 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Donor Management Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Schedule, Track & Manage Time

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Staff Scheduling
  • Ticket Scheduling
  • Work Order Scheduling
  • Dispatch
  • Workflow Management
  • Priority Management
  • Planners
  • Remote Access

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

There’s nothing more powerful for businesses looking to maximize efficiency than the ability to organize, prioritize and schedule accurately. By creating a proactive, collaborative business environment, this workshop will walk through how the software/ERP helps your business perform, manage people and workflows, and strategically plan with thoughtful purpose and direction. Positioning everyone in your business for success with collaborative scheduling, time tracking and time management tools means ensuring your entire team knows how to use the tools provided effectively. Learning how the software/ERP can help determine and manage priorities will help your team work smarter, more efficiently and be better organized. Learn your software/ERP’s seamless communication systems and how it’s integrated with workflow management. This workshop takes the guesswork out of scheduling and operations with real-time accuracy.

Training Time: 6 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $750 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Schedule, Track & Manage Time Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Digital Documents, Forms & Charts

Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Form Building How To Guide
  • Custom Form Building
  • Contact Intake Forms
  • Build Your Own Templates
  • Customizing Existing Templates
  • Registration Forms
  • Information Gathering Forms
  • Membership Forms
  • Auto Updating Contact, Staff & Vendor Profiles 
  • Contracts & Digital Signature Documents
  • Sales Order Forms 
  • Estimating & Quoting Forms
  • Support Request Forms
  • Action Item Request Forms
  • Automated Alerts
  • Communication Templates
  • Digital Form Assignment & Secure Access
  • Third Party Digital Form Security 
  • PDF Formatting 
  • Intake Tile Management & Approvals
  • Reporting & Analytics 

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

In this workshop, your team will learn how to apply and use your softwares digital documents, forms and charting applications. These digital organization tools allow your team to create and build their own digital forms and digital tools that can be used throughout all levels of your business. With internal and external security features available, we’ll review how you can use your software to build and track all types of engagements. Learn how to process customer information and organize data being collected (such as online forms, contracts and all other digital documentation). In this walkthrough your team will learn how to add, edit, delete and convert any documentation into internal or external digital forms. This workshop will allow you to quickly and easily develop enforceable standards, which are essential tools for any business looking to apply and manage digital processes.

Training Time: 5 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $625 + GST

Total Charity Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $425 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Digital Documents, Forms & Charts Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Compensation Reports & Timesheets

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Staff Timesheets
  • Contractor Timesheets
  • Drive Time Tracking
  • Driving Log
  • Compensation Reporting
  • Overtime Alerts
  • Vacation Requests
  • Approval Processes
  • Payroll Alerts

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

In this workshop, we’ll review how your software/ERP can provide your team with an all-new means of tracking, recording and ensuring accuracy on all compensation reporting and timesheets. With direct tracking, check in and check out systems, time clocks and integrative processes, your business can be assured real-time tracking. Learn how you can set automated alerts, coded reminders, comments, notes, detailed hour outlines and tracked SMART parameters. The software/ERP’s real-time features enhance your team’s ability to assure accountability and track with precision. Upon completion of this workshop, your team will know how these features can be properly applied, recorded and documented for every level of your business needs.

Training Time: 6 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $750 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Compensation Reports & Time Sheets Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Carrier Management

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Carrier Business Management
  • Carrier Operations Management 
  • Carrier Accounting Management
  • Carrier Dispatcher Management 
  • Carrier Driver Management
  • Carrier Driver Restrictions
  • Carrier Driver Planners
  • Carrier Equipment Management 
  • Carrier Equipment Restrictions
  • Synching Contacts
  • Onboarding New Carriers
  • Importing & Exporting Features
  • Security Protocols & Overviews
  • Internal & External Communication Essentials
  • Reminders, Alerts & Notifications
  • Carrier Compensation
  • Carrier Remote Access Support & Management
  • Carrier Management Features & Tools

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

The objective of this workshop is to get teams comfortable with how they can use the software to onboard, manage and support carriers through the software platform. Learning how to oversee, overview and support carriers through the software, this workshop affects all users who will internally and externally interact with carriers. Through this workshop participants will learn how to properly create, oversee all activities and report on all carrier activities. This includes the ability to use all the quick action tools, flagging mechanisms,  communication tools, engagement processes and carrier integrated applications available for use. With hands-on working knowledge of how to use the features and the tools available in the software, this workshop will enhance your team’s ability to deliver operationally on all carrier essentials from support to compensation. This workshop is essential for anyone onboarding, managing and reporting on carriers using our platform.

Training Time: 6.5 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $812.50 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Carrier Management Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Carrier Dispatch Management

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Carrier Account Management
  • Carrier Purchase Order Management 
  • Carrier Purchase Order Reporting
  • Carrier Compensation Workflow
  • Carrier Compensation Reporting
  • Carrier Work Order Assignment Workflow 
  • Carrier Work Order Driver Features
  • Carrier Redirect Workflows
  • Carrier Redirect Reporting
  • Carrier Map Overview
  • Carrier Dispatch Scheduling Workflow
  • Carrier Dispatch Schedule Assignment  
  • Carrier Driver Planner Overview
  • Carrier Driver Management 
  • Carrier Contact Management
  • Carrier Equipment Management
  • Carrier Reporting 
  • Carrier Security 
  • Software Alerts & Quick Action Icons Functionality
  • Desktop, Tablet & Mobile Location Tracking

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

The objective of this workshop is to get teams comfortable with the exact workflow and processes that their carriers are going to use when utilizing the software. This includes a complete review of every detail from how Work Orders are assigned, how they can then be dispatched to their drivers, the overseeing capabilities of the software and the compensation tracking. The software platform is a live, real-time dispatch management application, and all tools and tips for using, troubleshooting and overseeing how carriers can best use the software will be covered in the workshop. This is an essential workshop for all staff who will interact with and engage carriers utilizing the platform.

Training Time: 6.5 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $812.50 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Carrier Dispatch Management Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Dispatch Maintenance

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • My Profile Management
  • Staff Profile Management
  • Security Set Up
  • Security Restricted View Configurations
  • Third Party Access & Configuration
  • Work Order Formatting
  • Third Party Work Order Configuration
  • Dashboards & Menus
  • Internal & External Scheduling
  • Internal & External Planners
  • Internal & External Timesheets
  • Email, Text & Phone Call Alerts & Notifications

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

The objective of this workshop is to review the set up, maintenance and configuration of the dispatch system that runs the day-to-day operations of the business. Getting your team comfortable with navigation throughout the software, going through the basic structure, format and user interface of the software/ERP, helping mitigate troubleshooting and enhancing staff overall knowledge of what information needs to go where. In the workshop, users will walk through learning how they can manage and maintain profiles in the software, how they can manage and set security for all software/ERP users and how they can manage their own data on the software, set up profiles and learn all the basic icons and input features available (which are the same through the entire software). This is essential training for agencies looking to use the dispatch system for day-to-day operations.

Training Time: 7 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $875 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Dispatch Maintenance Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Inventory Management

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Procurement Management
  • Shipping & Receiving
  • Counts & Orders
  • Direct Point Of Sale
  • Bill Of Materials
  • Online Ordering
  • Multi Location Tracking
  • Unlimited Categories

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

In this workshop, we’ll review all aspects of how your software/ERP manages inventory. This detailed training will ensure you leave knowing how to manage and communicate all changes and inventory management needs. You’ll learn how to use the digital inventory management tools that manage every step of your inventory’s life cycle, and how to utilize the detailed cost structuring, procurement business cycle, precision tracking, online and in-house sales management tools. This workshop is designed to ensure you know the ins and out of how your software/ERP manages inventory processes, bill of material workflows and streamlined assembly and manufacturing. This workshop will teach solutions to help your business take control of inventory management.

Training Time: 6 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $750 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Inventory Management Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Equipment Management

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Procurement Management
  • Servicing & Maintenance
  • Checklists
  • Staff & Site Assignment
  • Job/Work Order Management
  • Profit & Loss Tracking
  • Equipment Work Orders
  • Manufacturing

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

In this workshop, we’ll teach you how to use your software/ERP equipment management applications to track every aspect of your equipment life cycle. Whether equipment management is a portion of your business or its life force, this workshop will review the extensive tools you have access to for tracking day-to-day and future management needs for every piece of equipment.

Training Time: 4 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $500 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Equipment Management Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Collaborative Workflow

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Internal Collaboration
  • External Collaboration
  • Customer Support Centres
  • Help Desk Systems
  • Customer Remote Sign In
  • Task Management
  • Priority Management
  • Checklist Systems
  • Agendas & Meetings
  • Chat Tagging Systems

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

In this workshop, we’ll explore all the features and tools designed specifically for businesses to enhance their ability to strategize and collaborate with proven operational systems. Learn how to use and apply real-time, easy-to-use organizational tools that enhance every team member’s ability to be on point, be accountable and contribute to the company’s direction. Don’t assume your team is working together; ensure they are by receiving the training needed to get the most out of the collaborative tools available. This workshop will enhance your team’s overall organization; and there’s nothing more powerful than a team of individuals coming together with purpose, direction and aligned success goals. Upon completion of this workshop, your team will understand how to use digital processes properly to ensure priority management.

Training Time: 6 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $750 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Collaborative Workflow Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Dispatch Workflow

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Staff Forms & Logistics Compliance
  • Contractor Forms & Logistics Compliance
  • Equipment Management
  • Tablet & Mobile Phone Access Set Up
  • Drag & Drop Calendar Manipulation
  • Equipment Tracking & Remote Monitoring
  • Command Centre Set Up & Remote Viewing
  • Work Order Status Alerts
  • Work Order Calendar Activity Tracking
  • Dispatch Calendar Troubleshooting & Support
  • On The Fly Work Order Manipulation
  • Route Tracking & Mapping
  • Route Optimizations
  • Route Adjustments
  • Communication Tactics & Strategies

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

Your business dispatch team represents the life force of your company’s delivery operations. Not only do they control the workflow of the entire business; they need to be equipped with the knowledge so they can adapt, react, plan and organize as they work through the ever-changing and evolving world of logistics. Connecting your business workflow, calendar, planner and execution arm with your drivers ensures transparent real-time activity for all parties. Get your business working fluently by ensuring all parties are trained to execute.

Training Time: 7 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $875 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Dispatch Workflow Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Digital Documents, Forms & Charts

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Build Your Own Templates
  • Customizing Existing Templates
  • Contracts
  • Customer Information Gathering
  • Sales Order Forms
  • Estimating & Quoting
  • Work Orders
  • Ticketing
  • Charting
  • Checklists

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

In this workshop, your team will learn how to apply and use your software/ERP’s digital documents, forms and charting. These digital organization tools allow your team to create and build their own digital forms and digital tools that can be used throughout all levels of your business. With internal and external security features available, we’ll review how you can use your software/ERP to build and track all types of engagement. Learn how to process customer information, data collection, forms, contracts and all other digital documents. Walkthrough how your team can create and convert any document into internal or external digital forms. This workshop will allow you to quickly and easily develop enforceable standards, which are essential tools for any business looking to apply and manage digital processes.

Training Time: 4 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $500 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Digital Documents, Forms & Charts Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Match Program

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Enhanced Security
  • Staff Support Management
  • Match Best Practices
  • Staff Match
  • Customer Match
  • Team Match
  • Real-Time Reporting
  • Match Scheduling

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

Managing security for essential, confidential information is a must for every business. In this workshop, your team will learn how to apply specific encryptions and encoding processes to safely and securely manage essential information. Learning a variety of unique software/ERP features empowers your team to self-manage and grow with the software/ERP as needed. This match program workshop will teach your team how to maximize security with restrictive access privileges and how to put timelines on access and remotely manage those privileges as needed. When used properly, these interactive tools allow your team to better communicate, gather information from individuals requesting and requiring support, and provide support to individuals and team members. Track and monitor the matches your business has engaged in so you know which support models are working and which ones need attention. Upon completion of this workshop, your team will be working together and communicating more effectively.

Training Time: 4 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $500 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Match Program Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Individual Support Plans (ISP)

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Building Web Based Digital Forms
  • Settings & Tools
  • Configuration
  • Automated Profile Uploads
  • Importing & Exporting
  • Information Gathering
  • History Tracking
  • Project Management Uploads
  • Resource Tracking

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

In this workshop, your team will learn how to apply, manage, maintain and secure support plans, strategies and objective measures. This essential training program goes in-depth into the tools, systems and configuration options your team will need to adapt to different workflows. Supporting quality assurance strategies and service structures, this workshop will go through the intricate details needed to ensure customer care at all levels. Upon completion of this workshop, your team will know how to self-manage your software/ERP.

Training Time: 4 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $500 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Individual Support Plans (ISP) Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Information Gathering & Intake Forms

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Quality Of Life Outcomes
  • Support Goal Tracking
  • Individual Goals
  • Assessed Service Needs
  • Support Strategies
  • Support Objectives
  • Accountability Measures
  • Excellence Together

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

In this workshop, your team will learn the necessary skills to build and manage your business information gathering, customer forms, staff forms and third-party support logins. With the software/ERP automatically building secure portals for every staff, customer, client, etc. added in the software, all that’s left for your team is learning how they can take advantage of applying and customizing these tools for themselves.

Training Time: 4 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $500 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Information Gathering & Intake Forms Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Leads & Sales Management

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Prospecting
  • Lead Management
  • Lead Nurturing
  • Lead Monitoring
  • Conversion Tracking
  • Lead Procurement
  • Marketing Material Distribution
  • Email Reminders
  • Texting
  • Estimating & Quoting
  • Customer History
  • CRM Tools

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

Managing leads and sales is an essential element for every business looking to advance. In this workshop, we’ll review how your business can take advantage and apply the proven structure built into the software/ERP for managing and nurturing leads, tracking prospects, and applying tracking and execution planning for every customer. Tracking and monitoring the transition of leads and conversion rates allows your team to monitor success and failures, and stimulates growth and development of ongoing business strategies. With proven templated systems ready for actioning, this workshop ensures your business will not only know the next steps with every lead, sale and execution plan at all times; it also teaches how you can best take advantage of these features. Get your team working together by providing them with the working knowledge they need of the software/ERP that will help them manage all aspects of their day-to-day.

Training Time: 6 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $750 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Leads & Sales Management Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Estimating, Rate Cards & Quoting

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Configurable Estimates
  • Quote Development
  • Quote Distribution
  • History Tracking
  • Accuracy Management
  • Scope Templates
  • Dashboards
  • Reporting
  • Pricing & Cost Management
  • Full Accounting Pack

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

This workshop is all about ensuring and enhancing your team’s ability to create fast, detail-oriented estimates, rate cards and quotes. This training prepares your team by reviewing all of the detail-oriented tools within the software/ERP so your team can quickly, efficiently and accurately develop the estimates, rate cards and quotes needed to push your business forward. Digital estimating tools maximize visibility and reduce over-promising and under-delivering, all while adding a new level of detail to every aspect of what’s presented to your customers. This workshop increases your team’s knowledge and ability to deliver accurate, clearly outlined estimates, rate cards and quotes that confidently reflect your business offerings.

Training Time: 6 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $750 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Estimating, Rate Cards & Quoting Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Dispatch Management & Administration

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Digital Work Order Set Up
  • Warehouse Pick Ups & Unit Itemization
  • Digital Drop Off Process
  • In Vehicle Routing
  • Traffic Monitoring
  • Route Optimization Usage
  • Planner Usage & Visibility
  • Customer Surveying & Reporting
  • Time Tracking & Timesheets
  • Vendor Tracking & Invoicing
  • Execution Checklists
  • Manuals & Set Up Processes
  • Bill Of Ladings
  • Communication
  • Star Rating Systems
  • Admin Reviews & Change Orders/Requests

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

Everyone who will utilize the dispatch system must be involved in the training workshop. It’s imperative that logistics staff, drivers, vendors and all admin have a clear understanding of each step of the operational process. Providing proper training on the numerous features and applications, this workshop will ensure your business maintains visibility and is empowered with interactive and intuitive Software/ERP systems, breaking the barrier between office logistics, the driver executing the delivery and the customer reporting on how successful the delivery completion was. Bring transparency to your business with a Software/ERP training workshop that maximizes operations.

Training Time: 7 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $875 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Dispatch Management & Administration Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Dispatch Collaboration & Communication

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Work Order & Manifest Statuses & Alerts
  • Individual Action Cues Per Status Onsite
  • Individual Action Cues For Warehouses
  • Individual Action Cues For Customers
  • Pin Drop Navigation & Rerouting Applications
  • Day Sheet & Planner Execution Processes
  • Change Orders & Onsite Variable Actions
  • Drive Time Tracking vs. Off Time Tracking
  • Internal Collaboration Boards & Tracking
  • External Collaboration Boards & Tracking
  • Customer Support Centres & Help Desk Actioning
  • Call Centre & Third Party Remote Centres
  • Task Management & Priority Management
  • Checklist Systems & Real-Time Collaboration
  • Chat Tagging Systems & Alerts

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

In this workshop, we’ll explore all the features and tools designed specifically for businesses to enhance their ability to strategize and collaborate with proven operational systems. Learn how to use and apply real-time, easy-to-use organizational tools that enhance every team member’s ability to be on point, be accountable and contribute to the company’s direction. Don’t assume your team is working together; ensure they are by receiving the training needed to get the most out of our unique dispatch collaborative tools. This workshop will enhance your team’s overall organization; and there’s nothing more powerful than a team of individuals coming together with purpose, direction and aligned success goals. Upon completion of this workshop, your team will understand how to use digital processes properly to ensure priority management.

Training Time: 7 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $875 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Dispatch Collaboration & Communication Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Transport Logs, Manifests & Bill Of Ladings

Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • General Cargo Details
  • Customer Order Tracking
  • Warehousing & Inventory
  • Location Assessments
  • Storage Tracking
  • Purchase Order Tracking
  • Pick Lists
  • Shipment Piece Details
  • Weight & Dimension Essentials
  • TARE Weight
  • Piece Allocation Routing
  • Warehousing Manifests
  • Inventory Manifests
  • Dispatch Manifests
  • Air Manifests & Bill Of Lading
  • Ocean Manifests & Bill Of Lading
  • Truck Manifests & Bill of Lading
  • Remote Monitoring
  • Transport Log
  • Per Delivery Billing

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes: This essential workshop reviews the exact, detail-oriented specifications required for negotiating digital transport logs, warehousing, storage billing and shipping manifests within the software. From managing individual items, combining multiple items to match shipping requirements, location assessments and transport log workflow, your software has the power to help you move items all over the world. This workshop will go through information gathering, data entry and output possibilities and mandates required for each mandate. With configuration options for generating air, ocean, truck and third party consignee manifests, essential elements of this training workshop will be training how-to on the fly configure and pull data from work orders with accurate specifications, items and billing details for each individual transport log.

Training Time: 18 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $2,250 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Transport Logs, Manifests & Bill Of Ladings Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Collaboration Tools & Applications

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Team Collaboration
  • Planning, Tagging & Filtering
  • Scheduling
  • Planning & Architecture
  • Digital Journaling
  • Internal Communication
  • Customer Communication
  • Shared Calendars
  • Intake Forms
  • Charting
  • Checklists
  • Picklists
  • Ticketing
  • Task Management
  • Project Paths
  • Task Boards
  • Alerts & Notifications
  • Internal Sharing
  • Live Sharing
  • Customer Sharing

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

This workshop reviews all aspects of the communication portals, boards, checklists and sharing features of the software. These are the essential tools that your business and team need every day to maintain all aspects of your business deliveries. We will go through each tool – how to use them, how to apply them, how to work with them and how to get the most out of them. Software/ERP solutions are only as good as the team that’s using and applying them. This workshop produces immediate results and builds knowledge and confidence on how all aspects of the software/ERP can best be applied and used to save your business time and money. Upon completion of this workshop, your team will have the training they need to manage themselves, the teams they work with and your business.

Training Time: 6 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $750 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Collaboration Tools & Applications Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Journaling, Log Notes & Alerts

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Real-Time Email Alerts
  • Texting
  • Document Tagging
  • Conversation Tagging
  • Day Sheet Planning
  • Tracked Logs
  • Customer Logs
  • Project Management Logs

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

This workshop reviews how your team can effectively and efficiently log essential information, ensure details are always accounted for, and how alerts and reminders can be used to create accountability. Reviewing secure communication boards, logs, reports and tracking all necessary notes on specific topics, your entire team can ensure they’re on the same page with every aspect of what’s to be done, by whom and when. This workshop was built with the intention of delivering fluent collaboration and communication tools, and reviewing in detail how tagging and filtering journaling and log notes can help ensure that notes are categorized and logged as needed. With stored data repositories, contact, business, site, project, job, work order and ticket tagging, and a detailed archive, your team will know how to ensure no details are missed and logs are properly managed and maintained. Learn how to apply these systems correctly and limit your team’s learning time with a workshop focused on journals, notes and alert applications.

Training Time: 3 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $375 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Journaling, Log Notes & Alerts Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Social Story Tracking & Support

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Key Support Methodologies
  • Support Protocols
  • Activities
  • Communication Plans
  • Learning Strategies
  • Support Techniques
  • Pattern Reporting
  • Routine Creation
  • Routine Accountability
  • Interactive Routines
  • Engagement Tools & Strategies
  • Incident Reports
  • Accountability Tracking
  • Measurable Assessments

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

Utilizing the software/ERP’s ability to manage, track, record and enhance your knowledge on every customer means knowing how to properly record the data it needs to interpret. In this workshop, we’ll review the intricate details and essential elements the software/ERP requires in order to properly record and analyze information. This includes how and where to use all social story features, profile management and cued strategies.

Training Time: 3 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $375 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Social Story Tracking & Support Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Checklists

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Real-Time Connectivity
  • Accountability Tracking
  • Quick Action Items
  • Time Tracking
  • Staff Allocation
  • Alerts & Communication Tools

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

Breaking down task-oriented applications, daily, weekly, monthly and shared checklist applications, and understanding and knowing how to apply real-time features ensures all requirements and day-to-day needs are being accomplished as needed, when needed. This workshop goes through the entire checklist system and every function within the software/ERP that’s connected to it. This workshop includes how shared board systems work, and how teams can apply checklists to all projects, jobs, work orders, tickets and other execution systems within the software/ERP.

Training Time: 2 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $250 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Checklists Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Safety & Incident Reporting

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Safety Manuals
  • Operations Manuals
  • Safety Forms
  • Driving Logs
  • Toolbox Meetings
  • Tailgate Meetings
  • Site Inspections
  • Digital Signatures
  • Incident Reporting & Tracking

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

All businesses have a responsibility to perform and dedicate essential resources to ensuring and maintaining the safest possible workplace and work environment. Aiding and furthering this responsibility, the software/ERP has built-in applications, templates and configurable safety manuals, tools, documents, forms and reporting structures that save your business time and money daily when utilized properly. The objective of this workshop is to ensure that all data entered is being properly added, ensuring the accuracy and accountability of your team’s safety requirements. Upon completion of this workshop, you will have the tools to ensure all reporting is being properly executed and that your team knows how to use each application in order to limit liabilities.

Training Time: 4 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $500 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Safety & Incident Reporting Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Invoicing, POS & Accounting

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Direct Customer Transactions
  • Processing Customers In Store
  • Processing Customers Over The Phone
  • Online Sales & Process Management
  • Invoicing
  • Direct Billing
  • Deposits & Retainers
  • Returns, Refunds & Exchanges
  • Transaction Adjustments
  • Accounts Receivable
  • Voided Invoices
  • Sales/Coupons/Packages & Gift Certificates

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

This workshop covers all aspects of invoicing, point of sale, accounting and reporting applications that the software/ERP offers. This includes how to properly log sales, returns, quick log operations, accounts receivable, account management, etc. Simplifying and breaking down each element and aspect of working through transactions, including invoicing and direct POS transactions, this workshop will ensure your team is confident in their ability to complete sales quickly and properly. This detailed training workshop has a strategic focus on accurate reporting and accountability for every transaction. Real-time tracking, enhanced customer profiles and full history tracking on every aspect, including staff, ensures accuracy and attention to detail on every level is covered.

Training Time: 6 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $750 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Invoicing, POS & Accounting Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Sales/Vendors & Order Forms

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Vendor Price Sheets
  • Price Comparisons
  • Order Forms
  • Pick Lists
  • Inventory Management
  • Inventory Counts
  • Supply Ordering
  • Supply Tracking
  • Creating Sales Forms
  • Customizing Forms For Customers
  • Online Digital Order Forms

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

This workshop is designed to review all procurement features of the software, from vendor engagement to interaction, all the way through to vendor price lists and inventory systems. Reviewing how your team can coordinate and build custom order forms for your own customers, this training program dives into the details and essential features available to you, providing digital process not only to your business; but evolving your customers, vendors and sales delivery systems.

Training Time: 3 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $375 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Sales/Vendor & Order Forms Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Project/Job Management

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Process Management
  • Information Distribution
  • Service Accountability
  • Time Tracking
  • Vendor Sorting
  • Checklists
  • Shipping & Receiving
  • Internal Communication
  • Customer Communication
  • Billing
  • Purchase Orders
  • Deliverables Management
  • Product Distribution

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

This is a must-do workshop for any business looking to apply a project/job management system through the software/ERP. Providing proper training on the numerous features and applications, this workshop will ensure your business maintains visibility and is empowered with interactive and intuitive software/ERP systems. Teaching how to use the configurable platform settings and data entry points, and how to apply them, this workshop ensures your business has the tools it needs to monitor, track and increase productivity, organize and improve processes, and increase collaboration. With real-time updating, messaging and unique organizational tools, this workshop will ensure your team is trained on every aspect of your project/job management.

Training Time: 6 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $750 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Project/Job Management Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Dispatch & Dispatching Management

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Dispatch Management 
  • Bulk Work Order Creation 
  • Work Order Redirects
  • Origin & Destination Mapping 
  • Dispatch Booking & Tracking
  • Driver Planner Access
  • Mobile App View & Restrictions 
  • Work Order Assignment
  • Dispatch Schedule 
  • Map Overview 
  • Truck & Trailer Mapping
  • Truck Progress Reporting
  • Carrier Overviews & Reporting
  • Driver Overviews & Reporting
  • Route Optimizations
  • Planned Route
  • Location Pinning 
  • Origin Manifest
  • Destination Manifest 
  • Reporting
  • Software Alerts & Quick Action Icons Functionality
  • Desktop, Tablet & Mobile Location Tracking

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

The objective of this workshop is to get teams comfortable with the creation, management and reporting applications of the software dispatch oversight and dispatching management applications. This workshop includes building, scheduling, actioning and monitoring execution items for all dispatched aspects being tracked by the platform. In this workshop staff will gain an understanding and confidence about how to detect, diagnose and support staff, carriers, management and the reporting applications of the software. During this workshop participants will not only use the tools and features as a dispatcher, but will also review and experience the driver application side of the software, seeing and using the software as a driver. This is an essential workshop not only for dispatchers, but individuals who support and manage individuals being tracked by the dispatcher application.

Training Time: 6.5 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $812.50 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Dispatch & Dispatching Management Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Dispatch Project/Job Management

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Project Restrictions
  • Project Status Report
  • Project Cost Report
  • Project Scope of Work
  • Project Information & Essential Details
  • Project Document Management
  • Project Dates & Timelines
  • Project Service, Service Restrictions & Service Reporting
  • Inventory, Inventory Restrictions & Inventory Reporting
  • Purchase Order Application
  • Work Order Defaults, Restrictions & Reporting
  • Bulk Work Order Creation 
  • Project GeoFence
  • Dispatch Schedule
  • Map Overview & Planned Route
  • Action Item Overview
  • Work Order + Ticket + Checklist Assignment 
  • Project Tracking, Reporting & Remote Visibility
  • Project Reminders, Alerts & Quick Action Icons

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

The objective of this workshop is to get teams comfortable with the creation, management and reporting applications in the dispatch project/job. This workshop will include a detailed review of every aspect of the project/job. This is a must-do workshop for any business looking to remotely manage dispatch projects/jobs through the software platform. Providing proper training on the numerous features and applications, this workshop will ensure your business maintains visibility and is empowered with interactive and intuitive tools built into the software platform. Teaching how to use the configurable platform settings and data entry points and how to apply them, this workshop ensures your business has the tools it needs to monitor, track and increase productivity, organize and improve processes, and increase collaboration. With real-time updating, messaging and unique organizational tools, this workshop will ensure your team is trained on every aspect of dispatch project/job management.

Training Time: 6.5 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $812.50 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Dispatch Project/Job Management Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Dispatch Work Order Management

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Work Order Add/Edit/Archive
  • Work Order Details
  • Work Order Redirect Management Process
  • Carrier Details & Equipment Management 
  • Carrier Purchase Order Management
  • Inventory Management, Tracking & Reporting
  • Services & Additional Billing Tracking & Reporting
  • Trip Details Including Origin & Destination Mapping 
  • Logistics Mapping & Scheduling
  • Time Window Tracking, Monitoring & Reporting
  • Dispatch Booking, Tracking & Monitoring 
  • Driver Access, Planner & App Detail Logging
  • Texting, Emailing & Phone Communication
  • Software Alerts & Quick Action Icons Functionality
  • Desktop, Tablet & Mobile Location Tracking
  • Estimated Distance vs. Actual Distance
  • Estimated Drive Time vs. Actual Drive Time
  • Estimated Time at Origin vs. Actual Time at Origin
  • Estimated Time at Destination vs. Actual Time at Destination
  • Adjusted & Manually Added Tracking vs. Automated Tracking
  • Compensation & Profit & Loss Reporting

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

In this workshop, we’ll explore the features and tools designed specifically for staff and carriers to properly execute, complete and organize Work Orders. Streamlining operations and connecting businesses to carriers, this workshop will ensure your staff know exactly how to properly execute Work Orders, coordinate with all parties involved and ensure the configured workflow is known. With a step by step review, this workshop will cover all sides and data points required for completion of Work Orders. With a hands-on review of all approval processes, this workshop is essential for anyone involved in the execution of Work Orders. Using our real-time overviews and easy-to-use organizational tools that enhance every team member’s ability to be on point, this workshop covers all angles and reviews each individual’s responsibility and steps in the workflow. 

Training Time: 6.5 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $812.50 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Dispatch Work Order Management Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Rate Card Management

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Rate Card Workflow Overview
  • Applying & Managing Rates
  • Applying & Managing Compensation
  • Standardized Rates
  • Comparing & Analyzing Rate Cards
  • Setting Project Rate Cards
  • Setting Project Budgets
  • Applying Project Rates
  • Customer Specific Rate Cards
  • Inventory Rates
  • Service Rates
  • Origin to Destination Rates
  • Equipment Specific Rates
  • Project Tracking, Reporting & Remote Visibility
  • Project Reminders, Alerts & Quick Action Icons

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

Managing and applying rate cards is an absolutely essential element to any user who’s utilizing the software for billing and or compensation purposes. This automated process requires precision configuration and this workshop is designed to focus on just that. In this workshop not only will you learn how to enter essential rate information, but how to report, analyze and review the outcomes of your additions. This essential workshop will review how all budgeting, scope essentials and rate card applications work and affect all users. This workshop is an in-depth introduction and review, where participants will add rates cards, learn the essentials and review the outcomes logged in as those who are and have been affected by the rates applied. This workshop is essential for all those who manage and or support billing and compensation for the company. aspect of your project/job management.

Training Time: 6.5 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $812.50 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Rate Card Management Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Vendor Purchase Order Management

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Vendor Purchase Order Creation 
  • Vendor Purchase Order Management
  • Vendor Purchase Order Assignment 
  • Vendor Setting Restrictions & Privileges 
  • Using Vendor Purchase Order Quick Action Icons
  • Vendor Purchase Order Communication
  • Vendor Purchase Orders in Projects & Jobs
  • Vendor Purchase Order Assignment 
  • Vendor Purchase Orders in Vendor Portal
  • Remote Access Tricks & Tips
  • Vendor Purchase Order Action Items Review
  • Vendor Purchase Order Tickets, Work Orders & Checklists
  • Vendor Purchase Order Documentation Tracking 
  • Vendor Purchase Order & Inventory Management 
  • History Tracking & Reporting
  • Purchase Order Searching & Criteria 
  • Purchase Order Reporting 

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

The objective of this workshop is to get teams comfortable with the creation, management and reporting applications for the Vendor Purchase Orders application in the software. With an in-depth overview of how internally, externally and through the Vendor Portal this application works and can be managed, your team will learn the essentials needed to execute with confidence. This includes walking through the creation of a Purchase Order, reviewing the rules, restrictions and privileges associated with the Purchase Order system and best practices for managing Purchase Orders in the software. Digital Purchase Orders are an essential aspect to managing all cost structures and compensation applications of the software, this in-depth workshop ensures clarity for all parties and allows your team to see first hand not only how they will use this application but how third parties will view and utilize this application as well. With reporting, analytics and a detailed guide, your team will have the confidence needed to effectively manage your Purchase Order application in the software.

Training Time: 6.5 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $812.50 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Vendor Purchase Order Management Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Reporting & Analytics

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Vendor Compensation
  • Carrier Availability Report
  • GeoFence Reporting
  • Carrier Volume Reporting
  • Carrier Work Order Per Day Per Driver Reporting
  • Carrier Work Order Per Day Reporting
  • Carrier Work Order History Reporting
  • Origin Product Per Day Reporting 
  • Origin Product Reporting
  • Destination Manifest Reporting
  • Dispatch Status Reporting
  • Dispatch Work Order Reporting
  • Drive Time & Distance Reporting
  • Work Order Planned vs. Actual Reporting
  • Work Order Redirect Reporting

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

The objective of this workshop is to get teams comfortable with where and how to not only get data from the software; but how this data can be analyzed and used to increase the company’s overall productivity. During this workshop, we will review in depth the details being captured by the currently applied reporting infrastructure, and provide detailed training on how staff can manipulate the details within the software to get the most out of reporting initiatives. There’s no one size fits all when it comes to reporting, understanding the details on how the reporting is working is an essential step to understanding how you can best take advantage of the data being captured. This workshop is essential for all staff utilizing the dispatch application in the software, assigning Work Orders and managing carriers. This in depth overview will ensure staff have the confidence needed to extract the right details and reporting essentials from the software platform.

Training Time: 6.5 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $812.50 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Reporting & Analytics Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Ticketing & Scrum Management

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Ticket Creation
  • Ticket Configuration & Multi-Ticket Execution
  • Ticket Management
  • Time Tracking & Timesheets
  • Document Control & Management
  • Customer Support & Operations
  • Daily Planner & Action Items
  • Agile Team Project Workflow
  • Key Performance Indicators & Accountability
  • Real-Time Team Collaboration

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

The objective of this workshop is to learn how to best capitalize on ticket management, workflow, intuitive planning and digital Scrum project management systems. Enhancing your team’s ability to communicate and the entire company’s visibility on how projects are being managed, run and executed, this workshop ensures that your team knows exactly how to communicate and gain the visibility needed to enhance operations. In this workshop, we’ll review all configured features in the ticket and Scrum overview system, how they work and how to utilize them most effectively. With all customer project management and ticketing action items stored in one convenient location, overall visibility is enhanced, providing increased knowledge on every project. This workshop will walk through how your team can harness the immense power of the software to best execute day-to-day operations.

Training Time: 6.5 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $812.50 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Ticketing & Scrum Management Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Manufacturing & Shop Management

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Job & Work Order Management
  • R&D Tracking
  • SR&ED Tracking
  • Efficiency Gauging
  • Time Tracking
  • Procurement
  • Projections
  • Budgeting
  • Timesheets
  • Time Clocks
  • Billables
  • Payables
  • Equipment Management
  • Inventory Management

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

In this workshop, we’ll review and train your team on all aspects of how the software/ERP can manage and track all your manufacturing and shop. This in-depth review of the features and systems within the software/ERP will empower your team with a real-time tracking mechanism that ensures all details are properly organized, categorized and logged.

Training Time: 6 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $750 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Manufacturing & Shop Management Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Field Jobs

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Site Management
  • Foreman Sheets
  • Asset Management
  • Work Tickets
  • Job Tracking
  • Invoicing
  • Billables
  • Purchase Orders
  • Driving Logs
  • Hour Tracking

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

In this workshop, we’ll review and train your team on all aspects of how the software/ERP can manage and track the entire field job, foreman and asset management aspect of your business. This in-depth review of the features and systems within the software/ERP empowers your team with a real-time, tracking mechanism that ensures all details are properly organized, categorized and logged.

Training Time: 6 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $750 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Field Jobs Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Field Ticketing

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Field Ticket Creation/Completion
  • Staff & Position Assignment
  • Equipment Assignment & Management
  • Inventory Assignment
  • Purchase Order Creation, Assignment & Usage
  • Time Tracking, Vendor, Contractor & Service Accounting
  • Ticket, WO, Task & Checklist Management
  • Customer Digital Sign Off & Invoice Approval
  • Financial Review & Invoicing
  • Internal & External Communication & Tagging Systems

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

In this workshop, we’ll explore the features and tools designed specifically for staff to properly execute, complete and organize field ticketing. Streamlining operations and connecting businesses to field services, this course will ensure your staff know how to properly execute tickets, coordinate with your teams onsite and gather the necessary approvals from customers in the field. Learn how to use and apply real-time, easy-to-use organizational tools that enhance every team member’s ability to be on point, be accountable and contribute to the company’s direction. Don’t assume your team is working together; ensure they are receiving the training needed to get the most out of your field ticketing tools. This workshop will enhance your team’s overall organization and walks through step by step each field and all the details required to ensure proper execution of a field ticket, in field or office sign off and creation/execution of onsite invoicing.

Training Time: 7 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $875 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Field Ticketing Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Procurement Process Management

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Qualifying Suppliers
  • Onboarding Suppliers
  • Supplier Profile, Document & Activity Management
  • CRM – Email Communication
  • Supplier Preferences & Detailed Supplier Management
  • Supplier Programs & Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Tracking
  • Request for Quote (RFQ) Process Management
  • Request for Information (RFI) Process Management
  • Bids & Tenders Process Management
  • Purchase Order Reconciliation Process & RMA’s
  • Work Order/Ticket & Action Item Inventory Allocation
  • Project/Job/Work Order Inventory Allocation
  • Inventory Management Processes
  • Inventory Costing & Pricing Structures
  • Inventory Work Order/Ticket & Action Item Invoicing
  • Project/Job/Work Order Invoicing
  • Financial Reporting & Analytics

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

The objective of this Workshop is to review and train our customers’ team on the procurement process from start to finish. In addition to qualifying, onboarding and profile management of the individual suppliers, this includes a complete understanding of how to properly allocate current and future to be received inventory items as required. This workshop will touch on the Work Order/Ticket creation process, allocation of resources and inventory per action item, and how front line staff will be using the software. This workshop accounts for the individual billing items and the larger Project/Job/Work Order invoicing. From pricing with suppliers all the way through to internal allocation and invoicing, this essential workshop will ensure your staff are confident in the day to day process to be used to manage the purchasing processes for your business. Proper training on the allocation of essential materials ensures your business has the ability to properly manage and account for all costs associated with each customer engagement.

Training Time: 7 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $875 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Procurement Process Management Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Purchase Orders & Inventory Management

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Purchase Order Process Management
  • Creating Purchase Orders
  • Inventory vs. WIP Purchase Order Management
  • Purchase Order Receiving & RMA’s
  • Supplier Management & Average Costing
  • Purchase Order Check Sheets
  • Warehouse Management & Shelving
  • Barcodes, QR Codes & Labels
  • UoM, Pricing Matrix & Direct Sales
  • Order Lead Times & Supplier Engagement
  • Preferred Suppliers & Inventory Syncing
  • Pick Lists & Ordering
  • Bill of Materials (BOM)
  • Waste & Write Offs
  • Digital Counts
  • Reporting & Analytics

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

This workshop reviews how customers can self manage, maintain and update the purchasing process, along with how this process coincides with the inventory management process. This workshop will cover all essential details on how to create purchase orders, how to properly receive those purchases in the warehouse and how to properly allocate them for inventory management. In addition to the purchasing and receiving process, this workshop will cover all aspects of the inventory management process including how to complete inventory counts and checks. In this workshop we will review pick lists, how to prepare orders and how to optimally use the ROOK Connect software to manage inventory for your business.

Training Time: 7 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $875 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Purchase Orders & Inventory Management Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Procurement, Purchase Orders & Material Allocation

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Vendor Relationship Management
  • Creating New Purchase Orders
  • Tracking & Utilizing The Software For Procurement
  • Job/Project/Ticketing/Work Order Material Assignment
  • Inventory Management
  • Applying WIP & Cost Of Goods Tracking
  • Purchase Order Check Sheets & Tracking Assignment
  • Purchase Order Creation, Assignment & Usage
  • Receiving PO’s & Job Costing
  • Markups & Management Approvals
  • Internal & External Communication & Tagging Systems
  • Invoicing & Material Allocation

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

In this workshop, we’ll explore the features and tools designed specifically for purchasing, receiving materials and properly allocating materials for job costing and invoicing. Streamlining operations and directly connecting purchasing to field ticketing and invoicing ensures the proper assignment of all materials for tickets, mitigating the need for carrying inventory and managing the overall cost of goods. This course will ensure your staff know how to properly record all purchasing, receive materials correctly and manage your business WIP (Work In Progress) costs vs. your inventory and cost of goods. Applying real-time, easy-to-use organizational tools enhances every team member’s ability to be on point, be accountable and contribute to expense and purchasing management. This workshop will enhance your team’s overall organization and walks through step by step each aspect of managing the Purchase Order process.

Training Time: 7 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $875+ GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Procurement, Purchase Orders & Material Allocation Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Parts Desk, Quoting & Invoicing

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Parts Desk Management
  • Supplier Management Process
  • Preferred Supplier Ordering & Process Management
  • Pricing Options & Comparisons Applications
  • Parts Desk Purchasing Processes
  • Customer Estimating & Quoting
  • Inventory Part Searching & Customer Allocation
  • Customer Invoice Creation Process
  • Customer Payment Processes & Invoicing
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Customer Warranty Applications
  • Customer Future Follow Up
  • Customer Profile Management & Overviews
  • Follow Ups, Reminders & History Tracking
  • CRM & Direct Communication Tools

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

Ensuring your parts desk not only is comfortable utilizing the software in front of your customer, but can professionally represent your business and troubleshoot requests is an essential part of this workshop. Through this workshop, your staff will learn hands-on how to price out parts, work with approved suppliers and properly communicate with the customer to close sales. With instant access to CRM tools, this workshop will go into detail on how to navigate the software as a parts desk professional, step by step the quoting and invoicing processes, and ensure staff are confident working with the software in front of customers. Throughout this workshop, we will review how to review customer historical data and work within your business invoicing infrastructures on what can and cannot be done through the front line part’s desk application.

Training Time: 7 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $875 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Parts Desk, Quoting & Invoicing Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Shop & Service Management

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Work Order Creation Process
  • Work Order Status Based Process Management
  • Work Order Inventory & Asset Application
  • Work Order Workflow Strategy
  • Supplier Engagement & Pricing
  • Customer Engagement & Processing
  • Shop Technical Analysis & Process Guidance
  • Shop Digital Document Creation, Completion & Management
  • Internal Resource Allocation & Management
  • Scheduling, Customer Alerts & Process Management
  • Estimating & Quoting Shop Services
  • Drop Off Process Management
  • Shop Activity & Work Order Execution Process
  • Time Tracking & Cost Structuring
  • Equipment Management Processes
  • Equipment Documentation, History Reporting & Parts Allocation
  • Contracts & Digital Signature Documents
  • Customer Engagement & Paperwork
  • Work Order Pricing & Cost Analysis
  • Customer Invoicing Processes
  • Customer Account Management

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

In this workshop, your team will learn how to apply and use the ROOK Connect software for all aspects of shop and service management. This includes all aspects of taking in shop work from customers, coordinating with the team and planning the execution, all the way through to working with suppliers and customers to invoice and complete the transaction. This includes scheduling, the internal execution process for techs and how to support them with the Work Order execution process, the pricing and cost analysis processes for ensuring accurate pricing, and directly invoicing the customer with all essential paperwork and information. This front line training ensures that your customer service and engagement strategies are being properly executed and all financial details have been properly accounted for. This workshop will empower staff with the tools and knowledge needed to ensure every aspect of the shop service business is properly managed and that customers are being invoiced accurately.

Training Time: 7 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $875 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Shop & Service Management Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Manufacturing, Assembly & Production

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Manufacturing Scope Analysis & Planning
  • Manufacturing Purchase Scheduling & Automated Planning
  • Customer Order Management
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Resource Management
  • Asset Management
  • Work Bench Planning & Accountability
  • Customer/Client/Vendor/Lead Management
  • Complete Contact Management
  • Scrum Process Management
  • Direct Scheduling, Automated Scheduling & Reporting
  • Task, Staff & Equipment Management
  • Activity Overview, Gantt Charting & Scheduling Oversight
  • Actionable Business Intelligence
  • Documentation Tracking & Historical Data Management
  • Accountability Tracking, Deliverable & Projection Mapping
  • Timeline Reviews, Customer Portals & Status Based Alerts
  • Productivity Tracking, Workflow Alerts & Reporting
  • Quality Control Standards
  • Order Processing & Payment Processing
  • Manufacturing Costs Analysis
  • Manufacturing Data Analytics

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

The objective of this workshop is to train, work through and learn how to utilize the large variety of features and tools in the manufacturing, assembly and production software process. Using and learning how to apply the variety of software tools, learning how each of them coordinate, coincide and work together to ensure a streamlined business productivity. ROOK Connect software has the capability to manage customer information, internal planning, scheduling and workflows, and to increase your team’s ability to communicate and ensure visibility on all aspects of the manufacturing process. In this workshop, we’ll review all the features available, how they work and how to utilize them most effectively for your business specific needs. This detailed workshop will ensure your staff understand the powerful manufacturing tools they have available to them. This is a step by step workshop, we will enter, review and invoice start to finish through the process.

Training Time: 14 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $1,750 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Manufacturing, Assembly & Production Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Expense Reporting & Budgeting

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Receipt Capturing
  • Quick Email Receipts
  • Expense Account Management
  • Payables Tracking
  • Individual Accountability
  • Budgeting

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

In this workshop, we’ll review budgeting and forecasting tools, expense tracking systems and how expenses can be tracked and logged to provide your business and team with optimum reporting. This in-depth review of creating and applying budgets provides assurance that your team knows the ins and outs of expense reporting and budgeting, including terminology and what’s required from the front line to project management for accurately recorded expenses.

Training Time: 3 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $375 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Expense Reporting & Budgeting Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Marketing & Advertising

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Customer Portals
  • Marketing Material Distribution
  • CRM Tools
  • Communication Strategies
  • E-Commerce Stores
  • Website Manipulation
  • Micro Site Creation

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

In this workshop, we’ll review all aspects of the software marketing and advertising management, including basic application and detailed customer workflow of how the software/ERP’s marketing and advertising tools work. With conversion funneling, marketing material distribution and full CRM applications, this training application teaches you how to take control of your marketing and advertising strategies with detail-oriented tracking and reporting systems that ensure you know where your money is best spent. Ensuring your business is trained and up to date with the right processes that generate impact and report every step of the way, this system empowers your business to internally and externally strategize. Upon completion of this workshop, your team will know how to manage your e-commerce and customer portals to get the most out of every customer relationship.

Training Time: 4 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $500 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Marketing & Advertising Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - Customer Portal & Support Centre

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Customer Security & Access Management
  • Customer Portal Access & Credential Management
  • Portal Preference Settings
  • Portal Account Management
  • Website Tool Interface Settings
  • Website Login & Account Creation Management
  • Remote Portal Management & Per Customer Configuration
  • Estimate/Quoting Tool Management
  • Remote Access & Visibility Tools
  • Progress Tracking
  • Customer Ticketing
  • Digital Support Management
  • Customer Support Requests
  • Customer Resource Library
  • Portal Communication Tactics & Strategies
  • Mobile Optimization Strategies

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

In this workshop, we’ll explore all the features and tools designed specifically for businesses to self-manage their customer portal. The goal of this course is to not only review and explore how to manage your setting preferences; but to learn how you can better support your customer as they log in to your software and engage you. With a wide variety of engagement tools, this training is essential for all staff who will be involved with customer support, customer engagement and customer updates. This training is essential for any staff member who’s performing a duty that the customer will have visibility on. If your customers are remotely logging in and accessing essential information, your team needs to know what they’re going to see and how to make essential changes when needed.

Training Time: 7 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $875 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The Customer Portal & Support Centre Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

Workshop - SMART Analytics & Reporting

    Workshop Training Program Overview:

  • Real-Time Reporting
  • SMART Projections
  • SMART Analytics
  • SMART Workflows
  • Quick Dive Downs
  • Automated & Scheduled Alerts
  • Report Building Applications
  • Per Customer Analytics & Reporting
  • Per Staff Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) & Analytics
  • Company Reporting
  • Reporting Essentials

Workshop Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

There’s no question that information is power; and in today’s world, it’s the processing and analytic power your staff are trained in through this workshop that matters. In this workshop, we’ll review all current reporting structures in the software, how the analytics are applied and how you can configure the software to constantly get your team the data it needs to perform. Integrating a software/ERP platform into your business doesn’t just ensure accurate and detailed reporting structures – it provides SMART analytic tools that piece that information together in a way that’s comprehensive and valuable for your team and business. Ensure you’re getting the most out of the tools available with this workshop and configuration training session.

Training Time: 3 Hours

Total Cost Per Staff For This Workshop: $375 + GST

Workshop Capacity: 30 Staff Per Instructor Assisted Support Staff: 10 – 15 Trainees = 1 Additional Support Staff 15 – 20 Trainees = 2 Additional Support Staff 20 – 25 Trainees = 3 Additional Support Staff 25 – 30 Trainees = 4 Additional Support Staff These individuals are not Trainers; they are there to provide assistance to the Trainer throughout the Workshop.

Participants Will Receive Instruction In Person and/or Through Virtual Conference

Workshop Assessment/Evaluation: An Acknowledgement Of Learning Document Will Be Completed By Each Participant For The SMART Analytics & Reporting Workshop & Signed Off As Completed By The Training Instructor

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ROOK Connect Application Program Interface (API) and File Transfer Protocol (FTP) systems allow our software to seamlessly connect with others. With integrations, partners, API's, FTP's, tunnels and import/export features, there's a variety of ways that ROOK Connect can support your business interfacing with third parties.

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